special project

Special Project’s & Fred C. Hall Award Post Special Project Award

If your Post, County Council, District or Department conducted a special project that you think should be nationally recognized by the VFW National Organization, we would like to hear from you. To be considered your entry must include the following:

• Copy of the minutes of the VFW meeting at which the project was authorized.

• Signed statement from the Commander summarizing the impact of the project.

• Photos (limit of twenty) of the activity.

• Newspaper clippings featuring the project.

• Letters of congratulation/recognition from civic and local leaders.

• Copy of the project budget/expense sheet.

• Narrative telling how the project was planned and executed and its impact on the community.

• Entry form (on following page) signed by the Department Community Service Chairman and the Department Adjutant.

Judging is conducted solely on the basis of the information indicated above. Points are awarded for each element and will be deducted for missing items. All documentation must be limited to one binder. Entries must be postmarked by April 30. Projects must be executed and nominated within the 12 months preceding national judging. All entries receive a Community Service Citation. Noteworthy entries receive a Merit Award Plaque. Exceptional entries receive an Award of Excellence. All recipients of the Award of Excellence are automatically entered in the Fred C. Hall Memorial Outstanding Post Special Project Award competition.

These qualified Posts that have earned the Award of Excellence will then compete for the Fred C. Hall Award and could earn an additional $1,000 and attendance at National Convention (see below).

Fred C. Hall Memorial Outstanding Post Special Project Award

The late Fred C. Hall was an active Life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, as well as many other civic and fraternal organizations. Throughout his adult life, he was a great proponent of VFW Posts taking an active role in the community. He is credited with starting the VFW Post Insurance program.

Every Post Special Project receiving the Award of Excellence in the May judging will be entered in the Fred C. Hall Memorial Outstanding Post Special Project competition. The winning Post receives a plaque at the VFW National Convention and a $1,000 service scholarship for community projects. The Post Commander (or designated representative) and a guest will receive round-trip airfare, per diem and accommodations to receive the award at the VFW National Convention.